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OCHA-CMCO-P3-Farchana, Chad (Readvertised)

Farchana, Chad
Position Title: Civil Military Coordination Officer
Receiving Agency: OCHA
P Level: P3
Location: Farchana, Chad (cross-border Sudan response)
Duration: 6 months
Language: Fluency in both English and Arabic required; fluency/strong working knowledge of French is highly desirable. 
6.   Main tasks and duties to be executed (specify precisely in a maximum of 10 bullet points):
Advising the OCHA hub on the CMCoord best practices applied to the XBO context, ensure CMCoord systems are understood and adhered to (HISM and AMRF) by humanitarian partners, monitoring the access incidents reported, documenting through efficient systems the movement submissions, approvals and denials/delays with reasons for the cross border from Chad and Sudan.
7.   Expected outcome of the deployment (detail in bullet point form the anticipated achievements and added value expected from the deployment):
-     Ensure the smooth, efficient functioning of the Access/CMCoord unit on the cross border operation.
-     Ensure cross border planning outcomes are documented and shared in a clear, timely principled yet innovative manner.
-     Strengthen the systems for collecting, storing and analysing data on humanitarian access challenges for cross
border operations.
8.   Specific required skills (languages, experience, ability to work remotely/as a singleton, soft skills, etc.):
Soft skills, discipline, innovative.    

Brief description of emergency outbreak/upsurge and the consequences for OCHA:

Since 15 April conflict first erupted in Khartoum- previously untouched by violence in other parts of the countrand spread across the country leading to greater access challenges in providing assistance. OCHA Access/CMCoord unit needs to have the systems and efficient working practices data gathering, follow up and reporting to match the expectations of the humanitarian community across Sudan, including the cross border modality. We require one approach across the operation, expressed through cross line and cross border modalities.
10. Brief surge need justification (including why the post is urgent and why current/other OCHA capacity cannot cope/does not apply):
Extended IASC systemwide scale-up for 6 months. Surge through internal mechanisms have been provided for a while now, and with the continuing evolution of the crisis more sustainable longer-term modalities need to be used to provide continuity and predictability for partners and also within OCHA Sudan units.
11. OCHAs role and key challenges:
Coordinating the humanitarian response in Sudan, and specifically to facilitate access to areas where need is
12. Main partners and stakeholders in the field:
INGOs, NNGOs, UN agencies, parties to the conflict, authorities at state and federal levels. This includes the emerging RSF civilian humanitarian structures of SARHO where the cross border through Adre to central and western Darfur would need engagement.
13. What is the staffing plan to continue the work (if applicable) of the deployee, after the surge support period?:
If situation improves, roles will be absorbed into existing and onboarding capacities.
14. Will other surge resources be requested? If so, through which mechanism? (SBPP, internal surge, ASP, ProCap/GenCap, or other):
JPO and other SBPs
15. What is the approximate percentage of time spent on duty travel and to which locations? (if duty travel within the country/region is expected, all associated costs are to be covered by the requesting OCHA office):
60-40 depending on access through cross border modalities
16. Visa requirements (e.g. visa on arrival, type of visa required, letter of invitation required, timeframe for obtaining visa, any other useful information. Note that SBP deployees are not UNLP holders, travelling with national passports only):  
17. Confirm that an equipped workstation and any necessary communication and MOSS equipment will be made available to the SBP deployee?  Confirmed: yes  
18. R&R cycle and location/destination:

6 weeks/Nairobi/UNHAS flights
CANADEM and its partners have a no-tolerance policy for inaction to prevent, respond to and follow up on alleged cases of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (SEAH). For this reason, we adhere to all policies, procedures and training of the United Nations on The Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH). CANADEM mandates all deployees successfully complete the PSEA online course. This e-learning course is composed of a set of lessons designed to raise awareness about SEAH, become familiar with a range of measures to combat SEAH, understand the impact on victims and the consequences for UN Personnel who commit Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment.

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