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UNFPA-SRH Coordinator-P3/P4-Bagasola, Chad

Bagasola, Chad
Position Title: SRH Coordinator
Receiving Agency: UNFPA
P Level: P3/P4
Location: Bagasola, Chad
Duration: 3 months
Language: Fluency in both English and French is required. Working knowledge of Arabic is an asset. 

Background  Description  of  Emergency  /  Justification  for  Request
Extensive flooding is having devastating impacts in Chad, with more than 1,495,969 people affected in  23  provinces  –  the  majority  are  women  and  children [According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian  Affairs  (OCHA),  as  of  3  September  2024]. Twelve  provinces,  including  Mayo  Kebbi  Est,  Tandjile, Salamat, Mandoul, Sila, N'Djamena, Logone Oriental, Wadi Fira, Lac, Logonne Occidental ,Guera and Moyen Chari, are the hardest hit, with over 900,000 people affected. OCHA has reported 341 fatalities, 266,590 damaged homes, 66,728 livestock lost, and over 250,000 hectares of agricultural land flooded.   Further   heavy   rains   are   forecast,   which   could exacerbate the situation.

Based  on  the  experience  of  2022  and  for better data-driven planning,  the Chadian government and humanitarian partners have   requested    IOM/DTM    expertise   to   conduct   a   rapid assessment of affected neighborhoods in N'Djamena.  The data collected from August 07 to 10, 2024, in 83 neighborhoods in N'djamena by teams from the Ministry of Social Action and the Chad Red Cross (CRT) has shown that 59 informal settlements flooded.  This  assessment  also  indicated  that  all  five  health districts in the N'djamena health delegation were affected. The recurrent floods (1,495,969 affected, of whom 50,000 are currently pregnant, 162,000 girls, and 72,000 boys) have disrupted the usual access mechanism  for  their  essential  services. Several  communities’  livelihoods  have  been  damaged, exacerbating the already existing food insecurity in Chad. The floods have forced people to rely on humanitarian aid to survive and have exposed women and girls to high protection risks. These floods have negatively impacted food security and livelihoods and resulted in low purchasing power, further exposing women and girls to high protection risks.
Thousands of homes have been destroyed, and many families are sheltering in schools and other temporary sites. As the school year begins, shelters will soon be forced to close, yet the need for 
shelter and essential services, including SRH services, remains high. Girls risk being deprived of an education and exposed to increased risks of GBV as they are responsible for helping their mothers collect  food,  water,  and firewood. Facing this worrying situation, UNFPA plans to reinforce the affected health districts in the health delegation to respond to the flooding.

Through this grant from standby partners, UNFPA plans to increase its capacity to deploy SURGE CAPACITY SRH and GBV Coordinators to assist national counterparts and partners in coordinating UNFPAs response.

UNFPA Chad and its partner have started providing integrated sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services in Milezi, the current most populated IDP site for flood-affected people in Ndjamena. Two humanitarian midwives are taking up their duties to support the mobile clinic set up at the Milezi site, home to over 2,000 people affected by flooding in the capital city of Ndjamena. As the Government plans to open new sites, UNFPA plans to continue deploying humanitarian midwives to reinforce the provision  of critical minimum Emergency Services of sexual and reproductive health services in potential news IDPs sites, including Basiliques, Toukra 1, Toukra 2, Koundoul 1, Koundoul 2 and N'Guéli point, targeting 173,046 people.

In line with its humanitarian response mandate, UNFPA will ensure the continuity of sexual and reproductive  health  and  gender-based  violence services in emergencies through its Humanitarian Coordination and the ad-hoc internally established Flood Response Task Force team. Specifically, UNFPA will deploy midwives and psychosocial support workers to ensure safe deliveries and care for survivors of GBV. Emergency reproductive health products will be distributed to mobile clinics at the IDP sites for people affected by the floods and to the district health facilities receiving complicated cases  referred by mobile clinics. At the Provincial level, UNFPA will support mobile clinics by providing personnel (Midwives) and SRH Kits. Dignity kits containing essential hygiene items and a tarpaulin will be given to women and girls who attend safe spaces and mobile reproductive health posts.

With the plan to reach 450,000 persons with SRH and GBV services, the overall goal of UNFPAs response is to reduce morbidity and mortality rates, especially among women of reproductive age and adolescent girls, because of the health and protection risks induced by the sudden onset of flooding in Chad, specifically in the twelve most affected provinces, which include Mayo Kebbi Est, Tandjile, Salamat, Mandoul, Sila, N'Djamena, Logone Oriental, Wadi Fira, Lac, Logonne Occidental, Guera, and Moyen Chari.

UNFPAs intervention will support the rollout of the MISP for reproductive health, including clinical management of rape, and enhance social protection for vulnerable women, girls, the elderly, persons with disabilities, refugees, and other marginalized groups in communities at risk of being left behind. The specific activities include SRH and GBV services through integrated health outreaches, mobile clinics, and midwives' engagement. The intervention will also support MHPSS services, dignity kits, and hygiene kits and help vulnerable groups, such as persons with disabilities and key populations, access services. The intervention will be implemented in twelve provinces that have been severely affected  by  the  floods:  Mayo  Kebbi  Est,  Tandjile,  Salamat,  Mandoul, Sila, N'Djamena, Logone Oriental,  Wadi Fira, Lac, Logonne Occidental, Guera, and Moyen Chari Provinces. UNFPA will implement the activities with the Chad Red Cross Society, the Ministry of Health, the National NGO, and other key stakeholders. UNFPA's interventions will be aligned with the existing risk communication and community engagement coordination mechanism. This will be coordinated at the site level with other stakeholders, including UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, WHO, NGOs, and the Government. UNFPA will also contribute to strengthening the coordination capacities of RH stakeholders to provide integrated quality services.

Security  Situation  Summary  in  country  and  main  threats: 
Chads security situation is dominated by the armed group attacking a health post in the Lac province. The event occurred On 7 September; a non-state armed group attacked a health post in Fende 2, Liwa sub-prefecture, Fouli department, in western Lac province. The head nurse of the post was killed, and two female health workers were abducted. Three other personnel were found and safely returned to Liwa. The health post was operated by the Chadian Health Authority, with technical support from a local organization providing nutritional and healthcare services to internally displaced persons in Liwa since 2018. This incident marks the first attack on humanitarian workers by an armed group in the province. In response, humanitarian organizations have suspended all missions in the area. Chadian authorities are actively working to secure the release of the abducted health workers.

Role Description: Under the overall supervision of the CO Humanitarian Programme Coordinator, the Field SRH Coordinator will be part of the UNFPA Humanitarian Response Team under the overall direction of the UNFPA Representative and programmatic guidance of the CO Deputy Representative. The Field SRH Coordinator will be the Focal Point for coordination, implementation, monitoring, and reporting on SRH activities, to strengthen UNFPAs immediate humanitarian response in the East Province following the resurgence of hepatitis E combined with the influx of new refugees from Sudans crisis. Proposed Interventions to be supported aim at ensuring the continuity of SRH and
GBV services for the most affected population in the three affected provinces.

The Coordinator will work closely with the focal points in the State Ministries of Health and County Health Department, implementing partners as well as sister UN agencies (UNHCR, UNICEF, IOM, WFP and WHO) to ensure improved RH services. The Coordinator is expected to interact positively with government officials, UN agencies and other organizations.

MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: We ask Country offices to review the list of duties and responsibilities and make appropriate amendments where necessary.

The Coordinator will support implementation of the MISP as well as monitor and report on progress; with strategies to include advocacy for RH services, ensuring quality of care for services offered through facilitation for capacity building, provision of emergency RH supplies, and monitoring of RH activities.

The Coordinator may be called upon to identify and facilitate operational partnerships, propose medical supplies needs, equipment, and accessories periodically, and coordinate the provision of such supplies to the partners.

The Coordinator will advise accordingly on the integration of comprehensive health (RH/HIV/GBV)
services into primary health care, as the situation stabilizes.

Under the technical direction of the Humanitarian Programme Coordinator and in close collaboration with the Senior Midwife and GBV specialists at the field level, as well as the GBV Coordinator at the CO level, the Coordinator will:

●   Provide leadership/support at the state and county levels in RH coordination and programming for improved response;
●   Facilitate and liaison in order to improve services delivery and information, and improve the visibility of UNFPA in humanitarian work;
●   Carry out routine needs assessments and gaps and make proposals to improve RH service delivery and expansion to the target groups in the conflict affected populations;
●   Facilitate the coordination of all RH stakeholders; including implementing partners, at the field level as needed through an effective coordination mechanism such Working Group and assist in the reproduction of national guidelines, protocols and IEC material for improving RH service delivery;
●   Facilitate capacity building (formal/ informal with supportive supervision) to Health services providers, including TOT and trainees training on needs and gaps areas;
●   Collect, analyze, and provide feedback on RH data to implementing partners and CO
●   Undertake regular monitoring and evaluation of RH interventions in the zone of operations;
●   Regularly monitor and prepare reports on the proper use of the commodities and supplies received through UNFPA, including technical reports and periodic situation reports;
●   Assist the CO in proposal writing for resource mobilization;
●   Perform any other duties assigned by the Supervisor.

Qualifications and Skills Required:
An advanced University degree in Medical sciences or public health, or equivalent qualifications;
●     5 or more years of working experience in the field of reproductive health, preferably in the
UN system or INGO;
●     Experience in coordination and implementation of Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP)
for Reproductive Health;
●     Humanitarian experience and international experience are of added advantage
●     Fluency in oral and written French and English; working knowledge of Arabic language a plus.
CANADEM and its partners have a no-tolerance policy for inaction to prevent, respond to and follow up on alleged cases of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (SEAH). For this reason, we adhere to all policies, procedures and training of the United Nations on The Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH). CANADEM mandates all deployees successfully complete the PSEA online course. This e-learning course is composed of a set of lessons designed to raise awareness about SEAH, become familiar with a range of measures to combat SEAH, understand the impact on victims and the consequences for UN Personnel who commit Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment.

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