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Conflict Prevention and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Roster


CANADEM is seeking seasoned professionals with previous relevant experience for its Conflict Prevention and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Roster. CANADEM is a Canadian based NGO that works with various receiving agencies. We regularly deploy candidates in various areas of expertise all around the globe. Registration with CANADEM is always free. We are looking to expand our pool of experts for potential/upcoming opportunities with different receiving agencies. Most positions are short term consultancies.


  • Government ministries
  • Multilateral Institutions 
  • INGOs
  • UN Agencies 
  • Civil Society organizations


  • Conflict Prevention
  • Peace Process Mediation/Negotiation
  • Security Sector Reform (SSR)/Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR)
  • Legislation/Constitutional Drafting
  • Transitional Justice
  • Human Rights
  • Mine Action
  • Other similar profiles


  • Minimum of 5 years of postgraduate progressively responsible professional experience
  • Advanced University degree preferred.
  • Proven ability to work in a complex and challenging environment, proactive with the capacity to federate actors around a common goal, and able to work in the field in hostile scenarios.
  • Strong communication, collaboration, teamwork, interpersonal, and cultural competency skills.

Languages: Fluency in English is required, with a strong preference for fluency in other languages (e.g., French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Persian/Farsi/Dari, Somali, Creole and other regional languages)

CANADEM and its partners have a no-tolerance policy for inaction to prevent, respond to and follow up on alleged cases of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (SEAH). For this reason, we adhere to all policies, procedures and training of the United Nations on The Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH). CANADEM mandates all deployees successfully complete the PSEA online course. This e-learning course is composed of a set of lessons designed to raise awareness about SEAH, become familiar with a range of measures to combat SEAH, understand the impact on victims and the consequences for UN Personnel who commit Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment.

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